Asalamu alikum
So are we made of stone or just human ... even the strongest of us have a moment or 2 were we show that we arent made of stone and that in fact we are human ... i actually believe that these moment are good as it is a reminder that we need to focus more on our deen and know this life maybe just maybe we have slipped in our worship and with this we have allowed the waswas of the shyatan to place things their that rent true
It is also good for our husbands to know this too as when we show ourselves being strong all the time and even tho we have those days we have to fight ourselves to not allow it to show ..they seem to forget ans then it takes them by surprise so it is good they see us like that but not to the stage that it causes problems
Life is hard in general and fighting the waswas of shaytan can become a little too much but always believing that Allah is their for us and will show us the right way to go helps us to get pass those days and also having a husband who will understand those days and help you to get through it is also a blessing but this can only come when we surrender ourselves to Allah him self and let him do what e knows best
Remember ladies we are just human but dont allow that to over take us
Remember ladies we are just human but dont allow that to over take us
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