
Sunday, 16 November 2014

The emotions we go through

Asalamu alikum

So once you are told or you find out that he is intending to marry or has gone through with it your body fills with emotions ...some women will scream some will cry some will throw thing and some wont do nothing at all ... no matter what it is we all go through some type of emotions  it is how we deal with them is the answer 

I do believe that reaching out to Allah at times like this is the best way as he knows us better than we know ourselves cry if you need to but cry to Allah make dua ask him to take away the feelings your having the pain your feeling 

We will never understand why Allah made men this way but he did and now we need to try to get by by asking Allah to help us 

Even the most pro polygyny ppl can have those day where she feels like she wants to scream but knowing that this maybe the biggest test she will ever have is enough to know that Allah loves her to test her this way so we should all think in this way .... i know it is easier said than done and women are made with so much emotions that it takes over

But remember

Love yourself enough to Allow yourself to take this test head on

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