Asalamu Alikum
The word polygyny vibrates through the harts and minds of women more these days than before why is this ... some women go straight to panic and some become unrecognizable to themselves and to others what causes this
The shaytan has his ways to make you feel like it is the end of the world and that your life will never be the same ... that part is true your life wont be the same as your family will grow wither you like it or not . your husband will have another wife or wives and even other kids and this is part of Allahs plan
we need to stop giving control to shaytan and allowing him into our minds and allowing to place ideas their that arent true
to me polygyny means family it means new learning and bettering ourselves to reach our goal which is jannah ..we need to embrace this and get on with life
salaamz sis may I have yr email pls?