
Thursday, 23 April 2015

Are we made of stone or just human

Asalamu alikum
So are we made of stone or just human ... even the strongest of us have a moment or 2 were we show that we arent made of stone and that in fact we are human ... i actually believe that these moment are good as it is a reminder that we need to focus more on our deen and know this life maybe just maybe we have slipped in our worship and with this we have allowed the waswas of the shyatan to place things their that rent true 

It is also good for our husbands to know this too as when we show ourselves being strong all the time and even tho we have those days we have to fight ourselves to not allow it to show  ..they seem to forget ans then it takes them by surprise so it is good they see us like that but not to the stage that it causes problems 

Life is hard in general and fighting the waswas of shaytan can become a little too much but always believing that Allah is their for us and will show us the right way to go helps us to get pass those days and also having a husband who will understand those days and help you to get through it is also a blessing but this can only come when we surrender ourselves to Allah him self and let him do what e knows best

Remember ladies we are just human but dont allow that to over take us

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Time is coming

The time is coming soon again ... and this time i'm more relaxed than ever .. i dont stress over him and what he is doing or what will happen ... i believe in him that he knows what he is doing ..i also know that Allah is their every step of the way ... the last few were big lesson and i learned so much from them and they were big tests that i hope i have past 

The more relaxed i become the more i focus on myself  and see myself doing things i may not have done before ... i'm making plans for the future which has nothing to do with him but Allah ... i want to be closer to Allah and to have Allah be close to me and i say Alhamdu lilah for polygyny

Chin up ladies we can all do this and Allah knows this  we are stronger than we think and we need to push the shyatan away from us all

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Same old same old

Asalamu alikum

It has been a while and nothing really to report ... hubby is still looking for another wife but also believe that Allah will give to him when and if he decides to ... we joke alot about it these days as their isnt any point in letting yourself going crazy and wondering when it will all happen 

i have indeed been blessed with many good sister and to the point i have been able to help in their problem with polygyny ... nobody ever said it was easy but i do believe that it depends on your relationship with Allah and those you connect yourself with ...if ppl are around you reminding you of Allah then the shyatan cant get himself in their 

Their are days that pass and i sometimes think that it will never come to pass and then their are days i think maybe soon ..but one thing i dont do is allow it to take over my life and my thoughts ..... i fill those spaces with remembrance of Allah  and as long as i do that Allah will be their for me no matter what